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Equipment for the Professional User in the Field of Weather, Environment and Plant Growth Circumstances. Prices are VAT excluded.


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FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit
FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit
FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter Agriculture Kit
Full Kit with ISFET meter for pH and EC measurement in carrying case and with accessories.

Product number


€ 1.425,00 *
Price per unit

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Full Kit Wireless ISFET pH-EC-ORP Meter

A full kitdeveloped for use in the field and greenhouse with the same ISFET.multi parameter meter as the single ISFET pH/EC Meter. The kit has the following components:
  • FieldScout Wireless ISFET pH/EC Meter
  •  Calibration Solutions pH 4, pH 7 and Conductivity
  • Predrill stick for use in heavy and sharp/gritty soils
  • Cleaning brush
  • Carrying Case

The meter is a multi parameter measuring devive with ISFET technology. You can measure simultaneously the following parameters:
  • pH
  • EC, conductivity
  • ORP, Oxidation Reduction Potential
  • Temperature

The probe has an ISFET pH sensor and a 4-electrode EC sensor for measuring the parameters. Each meter consists of a probe part and a bluetooth transmitter part. The probes are replaceable. The transmitter can be used with different Sentron probes. By connecting the meter to your smartphone, you can configure measure, calibrate using the Sentron app on your smartphone. The app is free of charge.

Few characteristics:
  • Robust in comparison to glass electrodes
  • Very accurate and durable in soil, water and food or other samples
  • BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) wireless connection with your smart device via free Sentron App.
  • Wireless chargeable battery
  • RGB LED for status update and recognition to cloud-based application
  • Temporary data storage when non-connection with smart device takes place.

ISFET pH Sensor

This is pH measurement without the common glass electrode. The Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET) sensors are robust abd extremely accurate and now also for use in agricultural applications.

4-Electrode EC Sensor

You'll get the opportunity to sample water or water containing (moist) samples accurately for EC and ORP measurements.


Wireless Connection and Use of Free App

Use the meter with the free FieldScout pH/EC App available in your app store. By connecting the meter to your smart device measurements are shown directly in the free Sentron app. The app makes use and analysis possible wherever you are and is able to accomodate 6 different ISFET meters..

Specifications of the App:

  • Calibration, obtaining, visualisation, storage and export of data
  • Up to 6 wireless ISFET probes connected for simultaneous measuring
  • Real-time notifications when pH-values are out of range
  • GPS location basede pH map in Google Maps
  • Language: English, Dutch, German, Swedish among others. iOS and Android


The probes are and can be used in various samples, e.g. food and agriculture. We would like to note that for specific usages in field applications caution should be taken into account when sharp objects in the soil are present. Sharp grit, rocks or sand present in the soil asks for the use of a pick or screwdriver to predrill a hole before penetrating the probe into the soil. The transistor can be damaged by sharp objects. Potting soils and other soft(er) media the probe can be inserted without problems. 


Two models are to choose from matching your specific use:
  • Sharp Tip. Suitable for direct insertion of the probe in firmer media and samples
  • Round Tip, rounded flat tip. For applications where forceful penetration is hardly needed.


  Wireless ISFET pH/EC/ORP/T Meters  
  Type Sharp Tip Round Tip  
  Use General Metal Sharp Point for Easy Penetration  
  General Fluids
(low viscosity)
ü ü  
  Semi Fluids
(low to medium viscosity)
ü ü  
  Pastes and Semi Solids
(medium tgo high viscosity)
ü ü  
  Piercing Applications
(normal to medium force penetration)
  General Beakers and Containers ü ü  
  Sensor Glass-free Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET) semiconductor  
  Range pH 0,00 t/m pH pH 14,00  
  Accuracy +/- 0,02 pH  
  Resolution 0,01 pH  
  Drift maximal (in pH7 @ 25°C) 0,14 pH / day  
  Drift typical (in pH7 @ 25°C) 0,05 pH/day and lower  
  Calibration 1-, 2-, 3- and 5-point calibration  
  ATC (automatic temperature compensation) yes  
  Calibration Buffer Types DIN, NIST, JIS  
  Sensor 4-electrode EC sensor  
  Range 50 - 111.800 µS/cm  
  Accuracy ≤ 1% 50 - 12.880 µS/cm  
  Accuracy ≤ 10% 50 - 111.800 µS/cm  
  Resolution (50 - 12.880 µS/cm) 0,5 nS/cm  
  Resolution (50 - 111.800 µS/cm) 50 nS/cm  
  Drift typical (in 1,413 µS/cm EC @ 25°C) 2,5 µS/cm  
  Calibration at factory / 1-point  
  Range -2.000mV  -  +2.000mV  
  Accuracy +/- 0,2 mV  
  Resolution 0,1 mV  
  Calibration at factory  
  Sensor NTC  
  Accuracy 1%  
  Resolution 0,1°C (0,1 °F)  
  Range 0 - 80°C (32 - 176°F)  
  Features Cloud-based and intuïtive  
    iOS, Android compatible  
    calibration, acquisition, visualisation, storage and export of measurement data  
    up to 6 Sentron probes connectable for simultaneously use  
    Real-time notificatons when pH value is out of reach  
    GPS loation based pH map in Google Maps  
    Languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian   
    Free downloadable in your app store  

NB. This ISFET pH/EC Meter is the same as Sentron's.

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